DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
October 26, 2007
7th-grader's death sparks parents'
superbug concerns
YORK (CNN) -- The death of a
12-year-old student in Brooklyn from
the staph infection MRSA has
prompted fear among parents and
students throughout the New York
City school system, forcing
officials to respond.
Omar Rivera, 12, a New York
seventh-grader, died of
drug-resistant staph on October 14.
Omar Rivera, a seventh-grader at
Intermediate School 211, died
October 14 from the infection,
according to the New York City
school superintendent, but
investigators were unable to confirm
where he contracted the infection.
MRSA is short for methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, and is
responsible for more deaths in the
United States each year than AIDS,
according to new data.
"There's often no way to know how an
individual person got the
infection," said New York City
Health Commissioner Tom Frieden. "An
infection in a child like this is
extremely rare. Fatal infections in
children is in the order of 1 in a
million. It's a terrible tragedy and
our hearts go out to the family."
The Office of School Health sent
letters to parents Thursday,
notifying them of Rivera's death.
Despite assurances from health
officials that Rivera's death was an
isolated incident, several parents
decided to keep their children out
of IS 211, which opened at its
normal time Friday after the
disclosure of Rivera's death
Thursday, as it has every day since
the death.
The Heath Department said in its
statement, "We have no reason to
believe that other children or
school employees are at increased
risk of staph infection." But
department officials advised in a
press conference Friday that people
should limit skin-to-skin contact,
wash their hands regularly and not
share items such as towels and
Nearly nine out of every 10
resistant staph infections are
hospital or health-care related,
Frieden said.
"Hospitals are taking it seriously
and need to continue to improve the
way they prevent and treat staph
infections," he said.
According to the CDC, 25 to 30
percent of the population carry the
staph bacteria -- one of the most
common causes of infection. While
such infections are typically minor,
invasive MRSA infections, because
they are caused by drug-resistant
staph, can become fatal.
Dr. Julie Gerberding, the director
of the CDC, says these infections
are not new. "It's important to
appreciate that many of these
infections are the same infections
moms have been dealing with for
decades. They're very preventable,"
she says.
"If you see a skin infection that
looks like the redness is getting
bigger or if it's associated with a
lot of swelling around the wound or
if the individual has a fever, those
are reasons to definitely seek
doctor's attention. But most of the
time these are things that can be
treated with the same kind of common
sense approach that is we've been
using for years."
Pat Mshar, an epidemiologist for
Connecticut's Department of Health,
emphasized that the highest rate of
MRSA deaths -- 58 percent -- is
found in hospitals.
"The healthy person in the community
-- like the high school student --
generally is going to be able to be
treated adequately without adverse
outcome," she said. So long as an
infected student seeks treatment,
covers open cuts or lesions and
avoids direct skin contact with
other students, "it's OK to go to
She noted that recent reports of
MRSA numbers and the student deaths
has heightened concern. "Parents are
more aware of MRSA now than they
ever were before," she said.